A CERTIFIED KETO + NUTRITION COACH added to a Personal Trainer level performance.

And here I will share my background with you to prove how KETO LIFESTYLE made a DIFFERENCE in my daily routine.

After suffering from body fat issues throughout the years I was always working out countless hours in the gym with no results, failed diets, and when I discovered I had pre-diabetic symptoms.

I knew I had to act before I developed a form of diabetes!

On top of it all, it left me feeling depressed, helpless.

Following many failed disastrous recipes and mixed advice, I was left confuse and unsatisfied with the temporary results. I knew there was something else, at the time I didn’t know what. That’s when I started researching. Finally, I came across the one LIFESTYLE that I would be satisfied with proper permanent results; KETOGENIC DIET COMBINED WITH INTERMITTENT FASTING. There was no turning back, that knowledge made me hungry for more.

It was life-changing and that I embrace till this day.

No more sugar cravings, to be honest, no craving at all, pre-diabetic symptoms have cleared and I have lost over 35lbs in fat alone!


My thoughts and ambition get clearer, my mindset was redesign by this ancestral and high-performance lifestyle.

What motivates me to keep going is to spread the word. It amazes me to see how little people know about it and almost no specific guidance on it.

My goal is to make you claim your FREEDOM and never look back.

Are you prepared?

Coach Jay

Jake Graham


Aura Brooks

Graphic Designer

Eve Crawford

Product Designer